Secret Envy or Support for One Another? Let's Be More Powerful Together

Lately I have been thinking a lot about my female PLN members. Specifically, I have been sitting in gratitude for the impactful collaboration, support, and friendships I have gained over the past few years that have literally helped me transform. Through my connections with these women, I have grown in reflection, felt stronger in purpose, and have acted intentionally to pursue my passionate purpose.

But there is something else there nagging at me a bit. Over the years of my life, I have encountered dynamic engagements that absolutely lift me up, yet there have been plenty that have hurt. And I hear many voices of my colleagues who are hurt.

In this space of women in leadership, I am going to be spending a lot of time reflecting, writing, and honestly leading. Because I believe wholeheartedly in supporting my fellow women in their pursuits to live out their passionate purpose.

Here is an interesting read on females and competition. I am not saying I agree or disagree with all the points in it, but it definitely prompts reflection.  Specific to the idea that females tend not to be out front with competition, the author asserts "What could have been healthy competition becomes a secret feeling of envy and desire for the other to fail – laced with guilt and shame." 
I couldn't help but think if sometimes this happens without us knowing it or intentionally acting in ways that do not support one another. "Am I guilty of this?," I thought as I read.

It got me thinking, and I believe there is truth to this. I often say that I am most competitive with myself, and that is TRUTH. I am committing though to be mindful and consider where the secret feelings might be lurking. And make for darn sure I harming nobody with any latent feelings in the process!

So, here is my call to action: if you are reading this, give a shout out to a woman in your life who is leading the way. Give her some support. Even if you envy the success. Let's put our heads together and lift one another up authentically to be more powerful.

As for me, I am going to be reflecting on the dynamics with women and competition more because my naivete can sometimes get in my way of seeing what is in front of me. And I want to be the best for my colleagues and self. Those I lead. Those from whom I learn, and my own daughters.

Shout out to my go to tribe of females who genuinely helps me to believe in the call. Below are a few captured at #NPC18, but there are so many out there. Thank you for blessing me with your wisdom, courage, vulnerability, and joy!


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