
Showing posts from January, 2019

Feeding What We Want to Grow

As a teacher of literature, one of my favorite genres was always those of stories handed down through cultures and generations. They have the staying power to transcend time and the natural withering away on the page because they are kept in the hearts and on the mouths of people. Recently, I saw a quick version of one of my favorites on a friend's Instagram grid about feeding the wolf inside us. For anyone that doesn't know, this story is credited to the Cherokee Nation, and this photo summarizes it really well. In this story, we can all find something with which we can related, and the message from the grandfather in the story is clear. To become the version of ourselves that we want to be, we must nourish that version.  When working through this text with students, it was such a gift to uncover the variety of ways in which we will humanly respond to a story with such moral implications. The quick and more obvious reactions are that many of us don't want to ac

Scrubbing the Tarnish to Reveal the Shine

Exactly one year ago today, I was given the spiritually driven direction to leave my position as a high school principal. I can literally still feel my heart pump as I recorded the words flowing from my hand onto my journal. The fear. The excitement. The questions. Fast forward to today. I just completed an interview for the In AWE Podcast that still has me reeling with its clear message to me in regard to the mission in what I am doing now. My guest was speaking about her own mission, but in that message shined through my own purpose, and I am so grateful to notice. Though my professional path is still forming, what is clear to me today is that my passion and strengths are coming together in a way that will honor my life purpose for the rest of it. However, I still have a lot of listening and hard work to do. For example, on my run this morning, I allowed my path to be driven by the call from The Spirit, and I found myself heading down a road that I have avoided for quit

Slaying a Fear Giant

Another post about running. Except it's really not about running but about slaying. And it's really only about slaying one important giant that I need to while sharing my battles so that others can feel they are not alone as well as shed light on a really frustrating topic. For women. As many of my readers know, I am on a running streak, and tonight's jaunt made day 1637. Getting out there felt like a win on its own because by the time I took care of the other priorities today, I didn't get the preference for daytime running. A dark run. A giant to slay. In November, I wrote this empowered  post  about the struggles I have been having for months after a dillhole (I know, really professional, but better than the explicit alternatives that really want to slide off the keys) stole my security. No matter how much I want to say that I have risen up out of that fear, it's just not totally accurate. Because even though I am extremely cautious, every odd move by a