Stepping Away in Order to Jump Back In

A year ago I wrote and published my first blog post and believed it was going to be the ignition to the flame of writing that has been an ember inside for my entire existence. Here I sit, almost a calendar year later having no other posts. Why is that? When I review the content of my blog from a year ago, I know the message is right there. There was not enough balance in my life yet.

This is the first summer that I have literally stepped away from my job for more than a few days at a time. I mean really taken time off, not just placed it on my calendar and went in for a few hours. Of course, there is always email exchange, but I can truly claim to have stepped away. And it feels so refreshing!

In this time away, I have accomplished so much that matters, and by publishing these items publicly, I know that there will not be another year between posts. There has simply been too much growth between. 

Spent HOURS with my daughters together and alone. While they are always at the top of my personal priority list, we have taken date days individually with the girls this week. It is so centering and connecting to do this. What made this week different was that these dates took place during the day. And I didn't check my email. Not even once in their presence. I was present. What a gift for me to myself to release the world and engage fully with these treasures of mine!

I have been reading. For pleasure. As a former English teacher, one of the greatest joys I have ever found is immersion in someone else's weaving of magical tales. Since I became an administrator, the amount of reading for pleasure I have done has reduced to embarrassingly low levels. In recent months due to Audible, I have been able to run and read at the same time, filling my cup in ways that matter to me. 

Set up auto pay on bills.  Why was I not doing this before? I have no idea. The stress of missing multiple due dates at the end of this last school year was wasting and draining. Setting them up to auto pay through my bank account has made that weight so much lighter!

Began planning vacation. Ok. It's not booked yet, but the exciting work of exploration has taken place, and the groundwork is laid for a real vacation for our family over winter break. This is huge for us having never taken a serious trip together. As a travel lover all throughout my youth and early adulthood, it is crucial that I share the world with my children. Making a plan is truly a research based way to boost positivity according to Shawn Achor, and I am living in that right now. 

I am writing. Blogging will be a part of this, but I am also finally getting to a life goal. Publishing this post publicly will hold me accountable, and I know each post will improve. It's taking the step and pressing publish that has held me back. No longer.

Over the course of this week, I have set in motion tangible and meaningful refreshment as well as plans for future continuation.  I am so ready to cannonball back into the good work for our students, staff, and families!

How are you intentionally stepping back so you can dive in?


  1. love this post Sarah and excited to watch your journey professionally and personally this year!

    1. Thanks Jess! I am so glad to know that journey on both paths will include you.

  2. Well done, Sarah. We need to hold each other accountable so that we can maintain our balance.

    1. Thanks Jay. So true! Also, I we still have not blogged about the Marine Corps. Marathon. I have been pre-writing for a year almost! :)

  3. Nicely done Sarah! Looking forward to some days at a favorite camping spot unplugging from the normal daily pace with the family I hold dear, and fell I never spend enough time with. Inspired by your words.

    1. Thanks Brian. Believe me, I know you work hard on this focus too, and I am thankful to have you in my learning network. Love your family adventures!


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